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Amy Wright: Live in Consett

Venue: Prohibition Cabaret Bar
When: Friday 26th July
Performance Times: 6.00pm
Tickets: £10 Full Price / £5 Concession / £3 'No Questions' (maximum 10 available online only). Booking fees apply.
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins 
Age Recommendation: 14+

A hilarious take on why everyone must move to Consett

North-East comedian Amy Wright is going up in the world, even if technically she's come down. Now living in Hampstead, she often hears people mistaking her as French and is in no rush to correct them. She also hears another voice with a commanding Geordie accent that she cannot ignore. Why does Consett call her home? Why do you all have to come with her?

'Pure comedy gold' (Lyndsey Winship, Time Out).

'Amy Wright has amassed a collection of material so eclectic, her hour-long show might as well have bolts through its neck' (



Produced by:

Alphabetti Theatre logo

Supported by:

Arts Council England logo
Community Foundation logo

© 2024 Alphabetti Theatre | Website designed by Kerrin Tatman using Wix

Illustrations by Jonjo O'Connor | Logo by Rachael Horner

Newcastle Fringe Festival is produced by Chloe Stott & Ali Pritchard

Registered at Alphabetti Theatre | St. James' Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4HP

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