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Aaron Twitchen: Himbo

Venue: The Cumberland Arms
When: Thursday 18th July
Performance Times: 8.00pm
Tickets: £10 Full Price / £5 Concession / £3 'No Questions' (maximum 10 available online only). Booking fees apply.
Running Time: Approx. 60 mins
Age Recommendation: 16+

Laughin plastic... its fantastic

Dumped during his best friend's wedding, Aaron has decided to laugh it off. After making poor choices himself, Aaron hands you control to choose the comedy topics you want. Expect jokes about dating disasters, pop-culture and geriatric millennials in this camp, energetic hour.


'Fierce, fresh and fabulous' (Alesha Dixon)

'Hilarious, warm, energetic...Twitchen is a quadruple threat' (Skinny)


From the star of Channel 4's Dumped and host of Top 20 Apple charting podcast Pod of the Pops. A show for anyone who has loved, lost or longed for a diamond the size of their fist.

AARON Twitchen 1-.jpg

Produced by:

Alphabetti Theatre logo

Supported by:

Arts Council England logo
Community Foundation logo

© 2024 Alphabetti Theatre | Website designed by Kerrin Tatman using Wix

Illustrations by Jonjo O'Connor | Logo by Rachael Horner

Newcastle Fringe Festival is produced by Chloe Stott & Ali Pritchard

Registered at Alphabetti Theatre | St. James' Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4HP

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